Everyone was impressed with Owen's sledding skills. He was by far the littlest kid there, and he went flying down that hill all by himself. Even more amazing, he walked all of the way back up!! Last night we went out and bought him some snow boots- and according to Owen, they gave him more "tratchon" (traction) to get up the hill. All of the other adults at the hill marveled at O's determination to get up the hill as well!
Eli was no more thrilled with today's outing than he was yesterday. Unlike yesterday though, he always had someone who could wait at the top with him today. We all took turns sledding with Owen and waiting with Eli. He tolerated this much better than having to be parked sideways halfway down the hill! :)
Owen loved getting to go down the hill with various groupings of people. We wouldn't even be back up the hill before he was already deciding who he wanted to sled with him next. Sara certainly saw her fair share of action today!! Owen LOVES his aunt Sare :)
We sledded for two hours, and by the last time that Owen had to walk up that hill, he could barely put one foot in front of the other. The child LOVES to sled! We're hoping to take him over to Perfect North to the tubing tracks there. That way, everyone can enjoy the downhill action, and no one has to make the trudge back up the hill!!
Here are some pictures from our super fun day!
Daddy and Owen coming back up the hill
Gessner Family Sled
MVP Moms 1&2 with Eli :)
We truly had an awesome time sledding, but man am I sore!! Two days in a row are ROUGH!
In bathroom news, the drywall is done, the concrete board is going up, and fun things are about to happen in there!! YAY
Doen't my husband have the cutest helpers ever??