Sunday, October 9, 2011

The ones that hold my heart

Today we went to the pumpkin patch and I got to watch my boys all romp around in a field full of overgrown squash.  We brought home a nice haul and set up a we're-not-having-a party-at-our-house-this-year-abbreviated-fallscape.   It's pretty cute, and I got my boys to plop down in front of it so I could take their picture.  

I got a couple of pictures of the almost-birthday boys too.  We're really looking forward to celebrating them in a big way next weekend in Brown County. 

Cuties- 2/3 of my heart- right there.

Hoping to see everyone next weekend.  I am sending out invites tomorrow- you know, to make up for the lame-O email that I sent out last week.
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