Sunday, October 9, 2011

The ones that hold my heart

Today we went to the pumpkin patch and I got to watch my boys all romp around in a field full of overgrown squash.  We brought home a nice haul and set up a we're-not-having-a party-at-our-house-this-year-abbreviated-fallscape.   It's pretty cute, and I got my boys to plop down in front of it so I could take their picture.  

I got a couple of pictures of the almost-birthday boys too.  We're really looking forward to celebrating them in a big way next weekend in Brown County. 

Cuties- 2/3 of my heart- right there.

Hoping to see everyone next weekend.  I am sending out invites tomorrow- you know, to make up for the lame-O email that I sent out last week.
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Me Mad For You

My Eli is becoming such a funny little person.  His words and expressions have just been cracking us up lately.  I decided that it was high time that I recorded some of these so that we'll remember them.

-Me mad for you: means- I'm mad AT you.  He accompanies this phrase with a mean little glare.  Lately, he's mad for us frequently.  I can't help but giggle when he says this one. 

The kid is still obsessed with being rubbed, and if I won't rub him, he'll rub me instead.  One evening I was done with rubbing antics, (my arm was getting raw) and asked him to stop.   He replied with, "Me bub you all night. Me bub you all day."  He accompanied that with the " Me Mad For You" mean glare.  How do you respond to that?

His guys-  If you know Eli, you know that he has lovies.  For whatever reason, he calls his lovies, "guys".  Since there are two of them, it only makes sense that they each have their own name, "Uh-huh guy" and "Mo Guy".  "Mo" guy means "more" guy.  "Uh huh" guy means "other" guy...  Hmm- I wonder who the original guy is.

His names for people are also pretty great.  Some of my favorites are, Sara, Allie,  Taryn & Quinn, and Grandpa.  
Sara is just beginning to sound more like Sara, (sad) but for months now he's called her, "Deya" (think Day-ya).   Deya is an improvement from when he called her, "Dehdeh"- which sounded an awful lot like, Dada.  It made for some interesting looks from strangers when she and I were out with the kids together. 
Allie is "Owie" (like when you have a boo boo).  It's adorable to hear him talk to her.
Taryn (who happens to be one of his favorite people) is Dehden.  Quinn is Ken. 
And the all time best name is Grandpa's or "Manpa"  how great is that?  Everyone gets a kick out of hearing him call for "Manpa".  It's pretty much the cutest/funniest thing ever.

One last story (for now).  Recently we went to dinner at the Japanese steakhouse and both boys were begging the chef to make fires.  Right as the hibachi was blazing up, Eli yelled, "OPA!" at the top of his lungs.  Matt and I about lost it right then and there.  The kid knows no cultural bounds when it comes to fire, and if it's good for the saganaki, it's good for the hibachi shrimp!   The rest of the evening, any time he saw a fire, he yelled, "OPA!".

Good Lord, I love this kid!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Look Ma! No training wheels!

This is Owen's very first time riding his bike without the training wheels. We literally just took them off, and this video is of his first attempt. Apparently, the boy has been hustling us :)

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I love this one. Listen to those proud little giggles!!

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One blog a month?

So I noticed that my last blog was published on July 27. Today, it's August 27th.  I hope that I am not starting a trend. 

This month has just been crazy busy, and I am having to make some major adjustments to accomodate having a kid in sports. It's definitely more complicated to get everyone fed, dressed, soccered, home, bathed, read-to, and in bed by a decent hour.  The good news is that Owen is really enjoying soccer. 

 Also, we're back to school now, so that means that bedtime is earlier, mornings are earlier, and everyone's a lot more tired- especially this mama!

Owen is absolutely loving school this year.  He has made new friends, still loves his teachers, and is absolutely thriving this time around.  I can compare some of his work from the beginning of last year with this year's work- and WOW, it's amazing to see the difference.  His confidence is soaring because he feels like he's good at what he's doing.  It was definitely the right choice to give him another year to mature and grow before pushing him into Kindergarten.   

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Boy

You want to know one of my absolute favorite things about being a parent?  I think it's when I see myself, the best of myself, the things that are uniquely me, in my child.  (The opposite is true in regards to the undesirable traits that they inherit.)  Sometimes I look at Owen and see a mini-me standing there.  What a humbling experience it is to see yourself in a child's face.   This summer, I seem to see me in him every time I turn around. 

As a child, I always had "critters" around me. I collected toads in our window wells.  I waded for hours through creeks to catch frogs (and may or may not have brought them home and tried to keep them in my mom's bathtub.)  I turned over logs and rocks endlessly in search of newts, and salamanders. I once pried a squealing chipmunk out of a cat's mouth and nursed in back to health.  But I also loved bugs.  (Not all bugs mind you, just the cool ones)  People that I went to school with all remember the time that I brought the praying mantis to school, it got loose, and ended up biting me after it was terrified by the swarms of third graders that were either fleeing from it or chasing it.  This summer, we've had some awesome opportunities to meet some new bug-friends, and Owen immediately understood how special they are.   As I watched him carefully transfer a praying mantis from hand-to-hand, as it leaped onto his face and he couldn't stop giggling, I saw me.


Today, he found a leaf bug, and gently carried the little guy into the yard where he sat and held it for close to a half an hour.  Then he released it lovingly into a tree.  There I was. 


Then, because the leaf bug climbed out of his sight, he wanted to climb the tree.  He wanted help, but our neighbor informed him that you're not allowed to climb trees until you can climb them by yourself.  So he did.   He tentatively reached up to the first skinny branch and then began to shimmy right up that  maple like he'd been doing it his whole life.  Matthew and I looked up through the leaves at the tiny boy clinging to the branches and we both saw ourselves up there.  Matthew remembered living in a large tree at his grandmother's house, while I reminisced about the hours that I spent in the treetops at my parents' house.   One of my childhood babysitters actually quit after her first day on the job because she found me in the top of a tree, and she couldn't coax me down.

This? This is incredible!
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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sum-Sum Summertime.

This summer is just flying by.  We have embraced the warm {HOT} weather, we've played, we've scooted, we've biked, we've gone to parks, had play dates, been to the zoo, gone to waterparks, had family get togethers, celebrated birthdays, celebrated anniversaries, stayed up late, enjoyed snuggly cartoon mornings, had more family get togethers, roasted marshmallows, made homemade ice cream, caught fireflies, swam, ran through the sprinkler, and just plain had fun!

Other things have gone a little by the wayside-- a clean house, weeded flower beds, and up-to-date blog, an organized vehicle- all come to mind.  But none of that matters.  The dirt will be there when I get to it. The weeds will surely be easier to pull when they're taller, the pictures and stories can be uploaded later, and hey, there's no harm in keeping everything but the kitchen sink inside your car.  :) I've truly enjoyed my boys this summer and am so sad to see the school supplies marching into the aisles that just a few weeks ago flaunted lawn chairs, beach towels, sunscreen and charcoal.  

Blogging now seemed important because I want to remember how I felt this summer.  How wonderful it is to be excited for each new day. How I remembered that my family is more important than my routine. How amazing it is to enjoy my children so thoroughly.  How enchanting it is to watch them learn new things. How letting go of the little things can bring so much more peace and happiness.  This summer has just been good for the soul in so many ways.  
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

More Swimming

Here's one more. We like this one because you can see how proud he is of himself in the end. When he first started doing it, he just kept saying, "I'm just so proud of myself, Mommy!"

Me too, Buddy, me too!

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The Good Stuff

Watching my boys learn to love one another. Seeing them enjoy playing together? Yeah, life is good.

Owen Swims!

Dude. I am beside myself with pride for my son right now. Yesterday, he couldn't swim one stroke by himself. Today-this. He learned to swim in perfect Owen fashion: Don't do it at all, until you can do it well.

I have a couple more videos that I will upload later, but I had to at least get this one up. Did I mention how incredibly proud I am?

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Big Birthday Extravaganza!

Last week we celebrated our boy in a big BIG way.  I mean, you only turn 5 once, right? Last Monday we took him to see an Indians game, and I arranged for them to display his name on the scoreboard in honor of his birthday.

On his actual birthday, Aunt Sar took us all to the children's museum.  We had a wonderful time and Owen had a ball exploring his favorite exhibits.   After the museum, we rushed home in time to make it to swim lessons, where Owen "went off" diving board for the first time.  (Actually I ended up dropping him off the end because he got himself into such a predicament- but whatever.) We came home and opened gifts, and then we went to Puerta Vallerta for dinner. (Owen's choice).  

Needless to say, we had a tired boy at the end of that day!
Then Saturday, we had TWO parties for the little guy.  First off, was his "friend" party at the Flip Zone.  This was possibly the funnest party that's ever been. (For me at least :)   12 of Owen's closest friends were there to celebrate by jumping, flipping, bouncing, and generally having a blast!  The biggest hit of the party was the gigantic foam pit that kids jumped into over and over (and over and over and over)

 And by "kids", I mean all of us kids at heart!  There were quite a few that day!

 Owen diving off of the 10 foot platform into the foam.

 Even Grandma Dee got in on the foam pit action.  She was hurling foam blocks at kids like she wasn't a day over 5 herself. :)  This woman has an amazing way with kids, every kid in that place was squealing with delight and shouting "GRANDMA!!" 

 Daddy didn't miss out on the fun either! 

 All of the kids in their superhero capes and masks

 Best Buddy and oldest friend- Nathan

I'm fairly confident that all of the kids had a fantastic time, and I'm positive that my good friends out there playing their hearts out had an awesome time too!  Thank you so much to everyone that made Owen's party such a hit!

An hour later, we started all over again.  4:00 pm- Family party time at Casa de Gessner. 
We were so thankful for everyone that was able to there and celebrate our boy's big day. 

All four boys actually looking at the camera?? Too much to ask.  But a picture of them being them? Score.

Let me take a moment right here to stop and thank the family of our hearts (Totally just snagged this photo from their blog! But hey, I took it, so it's not really stealing)  Walroths, we can't thank you enough for all of your help with the parties. Sara, thank you for all of your patience, understanding, mask-threading, and rock-star fondant skills.  I couldn't do it without you.  Todd, thank you for all of the amazing photos.  Our life wouldn't be nearly as documented without you- and I can't thank you enough for loving us and taking the time and care that you do!  We LOVE our Todderazzi!

Some of my favorite photos from the day.

It's hard to be a Superhero.

Happy 5th Birthday Owen. Mommy and Daddy love you! 
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