Other things have gone a little by the wayside-- a clean house, weeded flower beds, and up-to-date blog, an organized vehicle- all come to mind. But none of that matters. The dirt will be there when I get to it. The weeds will surely be easier to pull when they're taller, the pictures and stories can be uploaded later, and hey, there's no harm in keeping everything but the kitchen sink inside your car. :) I've truly enjoyed my boys this summer and am so sad to see the school supplies marching into the aisles that just a few weeks ago flaunted lawn chairs, beach towels, sunscreen and charcoal.
Blogging now seemed important because I want to remember how I felt this summer. How wonderful it is to be excited for each new day. How I remembered that my family is more important than my routine. How amazing it is to enjoy my children so thoroughly. How enchanting it is to watch them learn new things. How letting go of the little things can bring so much more peace and happiness. This summer has just been good for the soul in so many ways.

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