I know I've missed a few weeks of embracing, but I really like the idea of this so this week I'm back and embracing with...
While the other kiddos were sleeping this afternoon, I snagged some quiet time with this handsome guy. I'm treasuring the moments that he'll still let me snuggle him because he's just getting oh-so-big. It's hard to imagine the days that lie ahead where he'll be too big to curl up in my lap. I don't want to imagine them... For now, I'm just going to hold him close and try to soak up these memories.
In funnier Owen related news, today I picked him up from school and he was telling me how they were learning rhyming words today in school. I asked him if he could tell me some rhyming words and he responded with, "Floor, door, more, whore, tore, core. Are those good ones Mom?"
Excellent rhyming... Less than appropriate word choice.
He had no idea what he had said, so I just let it slide until the rhyming got sillier and sillier and expanded to include nonsense words, and occasionally other less than appropriate "real" words. We had a brief conversation about the importance of rhyming with words that we know, and I left it at that!