On his actual birthday, Aunt Sar took us all to the children's museum. We had a wonderful time and Owen had a ball exploring his favorite exhibits. After the museum, we rushed home in time to make it to swim lessons, where Owen "went off" diving board for the first time. (Actually I ended up dropping him off the end because he got himself into such a predicament- but whatever.) We came home and opened gifts, and then we went to Puerta Vallerta for dinner. (Owen's choice).
Needless to say, we had a tired boy at the end of that day!
Then Saturday, we had TWO parties for the little guy. First off, was his "friend" party at the Flip Zone. This was possibly the funnest party that's ever been. (For me at least :) 12 of Owen's closest friends were there to celebrate by jumping, flipping, bouncing, and generally having a blast! The biggest hit of the party was the gigantic foam pit that kids jumped into over and over (and over and over and over)
And by "kids", I mean all of us kids at heart! There were quite a few that day!
Owen diving off of the 10 foot platform into the foam.
Even Grandma Dee got in on the foam pit action. She was hurling foam blocks at kids like she wasn't a day over 5 herself. :) This woman has an amazing way with kids, every kid in that place was squealing with delight and shouting "GRANDMA!!"
Daddy didn't miss out on the fun either!
All of the kids in their superhero capes and masks
Best Buddy and oldest friend- Nathan
I'm fairly confident that all of the kids had a fantastic time, and I'm positive that my good friends out there playing their hearts out had an awesome time too! Thank you so much to everyone that made Owen's party such a hit!
An hour later, we started all over again. 4:00 pm- Family party time at Casa de Gessner.
We were so thankful for everyone that was able to there and celebrate our boy's big day.
All four boys actually looking at the camera?? Too much to ask. But a picture of them being them? Score.
Let me take a moment right here to stop and thank the family of our hearts (Totally just snagged this photo from their blog! But hey, I took it, so it's not really stealing) Walroths, we can't thank you enough for all of your help with the parties. Sara, thank you for all of your patience, understanding, mask-threading, and rock-star fondant skills. I couldn't do it without you. Todd, thank you for all of the amazing photos. Our life wouldn't be nearly as documented without you- and I can't thank you enough for loving us and taking the time and care that you do! We LOVE our Todderazzi!
Some of my favorite photos from the day.
It's hard to be a Superhero.
Happy 5th Birthday Owen. Mommy and Daddy love you!

Oh my gosh! I totally forgot to post that picture of Eli and the one of the boys posing. Those meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelt my heart. Eli's face, geesh! We need to make that a demotivational ASAP!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat one of the boys posing, hilarious. They have so much personality. Oh my boys!
I just stumbled to your blog via GIMH. This party is so adoreable. I love the superheros! I noticed that you took your son to an Indians game and wonder if you live in Indy? I'm a blogger living in Indy with my dh and 8 month old daughter.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, your blog and family, is so cute!