I truly cannot believe that my little boy is five. FIVE. How did that happen? I am so unbelievably proud and humbled to be his mother. Every day that I have with him is a gift. Every morning that he climbs up in my bed and snuggles into my side is a treasure. Every time that he surprises me with another piece of knowledge that I cannot for the life of me figure out how he learned is amazing.
He is a challenge. He is a joy. He is a handful. He is 100% boy. He is independent. He is intelligent. He is sensitive. He is generous. He is the one that defined my life. He is the one that made me a mommy.
Owen, I can't even begin to describe how much you mean to me. I simply don't have the words that can begin to encompass what you've brought to our lives. You are so smart and thoughtful. You can capture a room full of people with your charm. You are truly an amazing person and I am so excited to see what the future holds for you. We love you so much. Thank you for making us parents.
Owen at five years old
34.5 pounds
40.5 inches
Pip. Squeak.

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