First, Let's talk about the weather, K?
It's fan-freaking-tastic!
Today's weather was absolutely gorgeous... But let's face it, tomorrow there could be a blizzard, this is the midwest after all... It is strange though, this is the mildest winter that I can remember. But after last winter where we had snow on the ground for months, I guess that we had it coming.
Today was so beautiful that the kids all got to play outside. Sara and I even romped around on the trampoline with our three kiddos until it got dark. I'm so incredibly thankful for days like these in the middle of winter!! The sun makes me HAPPY!!
Secondly, Today I registered my boys for school for next year. Did you read that sentence correctly? Boys... With an "s". Who said that my baby could be old enough for school? I mean I've had to come to terms (sorta) with the fact that Owen is growing up; still it's hard to believe that he'll be in Kindergarten next year. Kindergarten comes with uniforms- and a uniform just makes it seem so... real.
(He looks so old in this year's school picture!)
But I figured that I could do a better job of keeping Eli little for a long time. He still seems little, and Matthew and I agreed that he'll be celebrating his second annual 3rd birthday this year. (Just like I'll be celebrating my second annual 29th birthday- THANK YOU VERY MUCH!)
But apparently, he's slipped through my grasp as well, considering I sent a birth certificate, vaccination records and a $50 check all with his name on it to the school today. Sadness.
Eli however, cannot wait to go to school! He already has a backpack (that he wants to wear all of the time) and he tells everyone he meets that he's going to school next year. *sigh*
Even though it's hard to let go- it's amazing to see them learn and grow. Owen has just blossomed so much this year. You can just watch his wheels turning as he internalizes something new. He asks thoughtful questions & explains things to me that he's learned. Eli is also amazing me with the things that he's doing. I have no doubt that he'll thrive when he starts preschool next year!

Aunt Ruthie says: The pictures of Eli carrying his backpack remind me of a cute little bug! What darling boys!!!