This is the little sweetie and his mama at his first birthday celebration, (Where's his dad?? I have no idea why he's not in this picture.) Doesn't Jodi look totally fabulous for having just had a baby?
My first time holding Cooper. He's not quite one day old yet.
Uncle Matthew holding Baby Cooper- 2 days old
This weekend, Grandma and Grandpa Gessner came up to meet little Cooper and see the other kids/grandkids. Here is a picture of Grandma holding 1/2 of her grandsons. Can you believe that she has FOUR grandSONS now?!?!
I can't believe that I have TWO nephews now. I'm thrilled. It's going to be so fun to watch these boys grow up together. I think that we can agree that there is going to be some R-U-C-K-U-S in the years to come!
Lord help any future girl babies that might come along!
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