Monday, January 18, 2010

To commemorate...

Last night was one of those nights that I'll never forget! One of my best nights :)
I'll explain this later, but for my memories and safekeeping- it's here in words.



  1. Have I ever mentioned that you guys are the best. friends. ever. period. ? Cuz, you 100% totally, completely, wonderfully are. And we all love you with our whole hearts!

  2. Just as we love you! (The collective you, TODD!) We're so lucky to call you guys our best friends!

  3. okay Stephanie...I have been anxiously waiting to hear what happened on one of the best nights of your life?????

  4. Anonymous-- who is this?? and then I'll decide if I can tell you :)

  5. I agree with Anonymous.. I have been on pins and needles for the past two days... spill your guts already!!

  6. Janelle, How bout I tell you my Menards shoplifting story instead :)
    BTW, I LOVED the customer care line that you told me about the other day!! It was fabulous!

  7. And why is it that I can usually pour my heart out in paragraphs and receive hardly any comments, but I say three sentences and I get feedback galore?!?! :)

  8. I would like to say for the record that Sara and myself comment all the time. The only other person is this Anonymous character. (I wouldn't trust them. haha) ALso, you said you would talk about it later.
    You run a hard bargin with this Menards story. I really want to hear that!

    p.s. I wrote a new one. Check it out!

  9. okay Janelle...not very nice to say you don't trust was your mother and I just forgot to put my name at the top!!!! says Ruthie
