Sunday, August 22, 2010

Row, row, row your boat

Q: Who would take two toddlers out on a river for a 6 mile canoe trip?

A: Us.

We did indeed. A couple of weeks ago, we drove up to sugar creek and went on a 1/2 day canoe trip. It started out a little rough because we forced Eli to wear his life jacket. He was totally unimpressed with not being able to sit down without a life vest squeezing up around his neck and face. I guess that I can't really blame him. We finally gave in and let him wear his water wings since the waters of sugar creek are anything but raging. After that, both boys were happy as can be.
We were pleased to learn that we're a family with excellent "river legs". As other people floundered around, sideways, backwards, and upside down, we paddled right on down the river. Even with two toddlers walking around the whole time, we never came close to tipping.

The boys even took their turns at paddling.

We did get back before dark, but it's good to know that had we not, there was a full moon to light up the night sky.

The boys' favorite parts of the trip were when we let them get out and walk around in the river. It's so calm and shallow that it's an excellent place for them to play.

We had an awesome time and actually want to buy a canoe... Renting canoes is for the birds!

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